there is red dot then click track pad, you can see marked clothe is changed. next, let's choose her clothes It is a little different with demo Frist, You aim red dot to clothe. But it is more simple, isn't it? I wonder why the developer say nothing about this things. you can also go in menu, and click HMD recenter menu. you know menu button of controller? maintain pressing the menu button for a while, then you can recenter HMD position. show you something more about another things. Ok, in this way you can unlock another part too. left part of track pad means in and right part of track pad means out. :) and click again and you see next move click again and again Ok, then Now, You or she is satisfied, then you can go next part.

Upper part of track pad is next move lower part of track pad is previous move then let's go when i click upper, you can see, then she do something I don't know what she is doing now. bz I don't have oculus touch, I don't know about it. you can see this image, clicking trackpad take her next move. Then, what to do? In case HTC VIVE, you can use clicking of Trackpad. you can see where you can touch, but these aren't what help you unlock next part. I delete the sound seems a little dangerous. There is no instructing in this game, also. I think this part require another button of controller that you have not used before in this game. After she is satisfied, you can go next scene. There is blue heart that chage color to red when you touching her.

after this, I'll say how can we get her another costume. this video will be short But for pure Youtube channel I can't show you whole thing about this Hi~ First, I got her wearing maid costume.

Many people struggle with how unlock this parts. This part, even said the ultimate purpose of this game, is that. After I upload VR kanojo videos, I got many question about one thing.